Saturday, July 11, 2009

You know it will be a bad weekend when:

  1. It's 4:00AM on a Saturday and I'm up getting ready to leave for one of the other Southern States
  2. Mr. Not-So-Newlywed and I are off to his family reunion in the middle of nowhere, and I mean in the boonies.
  3. The county we will be in is a dry county.
  4. The surrounding counties are dry as well.
  5. I will be stuck in a one room barn with my mother-in-law. (Lord Help Me)
  6. Who by the way has insomnia, so much for a good night sleep.
  7. We don't get to go do anything on our own because said MIL whines and cries because she never gets to see her precious baby boy.
  8. Listening to my MIL complain that she has no life and nothing to look forward to in life until I pop a baby out of my uterus.
  9. Eating at Cracker Barrel for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner because in-laws don't know how to venture out.
  10. Going to the cementary to "visit" family members I've never met or let alone even alive when they were alive.

I hope everyone else has a great weekend and I'm sure I'll have lots to post about come Monday!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

WOW...I'm Slacker.

I can't believe that three months have gone by since I last posted. I could use the excuse that life has been very exciting and eventful but then I would be lying. But really things I have been going great in the Not-So-Newlywed household.

I have recently reconnected with my mom, I haven't spoken to her in about 10 years. This has been so nice. So far its going well and I hope that it continues to do so. The other good thing about reconnecting with her is I've also been reunited with 3 of my sisters. I can't wait to go back and visit for labor day.

This summer has been filled with lots of pool time with the bff. It has been great because I can't tell you the last time that I've been this tan. Mr. Not-So-Newlywed is also enjoying the mornings to himself while I'm gone. We had a huge BBQ at our house for the 4th. It's always nice having friends and family over for the day.

Umm... I'm sure I'm forgetting somethings but don't want to bore you guys to the point of gauging your eyeballs out!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Only In Georgia...

do we have severe weather with Tornadoes one day and expecting snow the next. I mean come on seriously???

Well I hope that everyone had a great weekend. Mr. Not-So-Newlywed and I went and visited his parents this weekend. It was nice for the most part. I always thoroughly enjoy going and getting badgered the whole weekend about when we're going to have kids. Ha! Yeah Right!! Apparently MIL has nothing to live for right now and me birthing her a grandchild is the only thing that she has to look forward to!! Way to lay on the guilt trip! It got so bad this weekend that I told her that Mr. NSN and I have decided that we don't think we want to have kids. Is that bad?? Don't get me wrong we want kids, but I'm just tired of the questions of when we're going to have them. For goodness sakes we haven't been married that long, there are still things we want to do and accomplish!!

Well I guess I need to get caught up on things that I didn't get done this weekend!! Hope everyone has a great week!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Is It Sad??

Last night Mr. Not-So-Newlywed and I went to get groceries at the good 'ol Wally World. While there I happened to come across these:



Is it sad that I thought HAD to have one last night???? Of course I didn't get one, but I'm thinking I might go back!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I have to admit that Real Housewives New York is a guilty pleasure of mine, well any of the Real Housewives series actually. Its like a train wreck and I can't help but watch it. If you watch the show you know that there is always some kind of drama going on. The episode this week irritated me more than any of the others. Can I just tell you how much the new housewife Kelly gets on my nerves. I mean the balls of this woman to tell Bethenny that they are on two different levels. I mean come on!!! But in other housewives news did you hear that Luanne and her husband the Count split up?? I wonder if she is still considered a Countess?? She is another one on that show that can be a little on her high horse.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Enough is Enough...

I know that we need the rain, but come on. Let's share the wealth with the other people that need it. I think we've had enough. I am ready for the sun to return and sit outside soaking up its wonderful rays!!

Wow.. can you believe that its already April? So in since its April Fools do you think the Conficker Virus was a joke??

Counting Our Blessings

So yesterday we found out that the company Mr. Not-So Newlywed use to work for let go of 5 people. One of those 5 people him and his wife are expecting twins next month, I couldn't even imagine. Not only have the let go this people but this company is going to hire 5 people to replace them to finish up busy season and then let them go. That is just heartless in this economy. I am just thankful that Mr. NSN has a job.